
At the heart of the Lumen Vitae University Center lies the Crow’s Nest, the university’s campus restaurant, open 24/7 to students and guests during the school year. This innovative campus dining experience abandons the confines of the traditional college cafeteria, offering a venue for great food and a hearth by which real friendships flourish.
“的 Crow’s Nest” is an homage to the lookout post high on the mast of a marauder’s sailing vessel, and also to the crow or raven that fed the young St. Benedict as he first nurtured the thought of Benedictine life.
的 interior continues the Marauders theme: 斯特恩 offers soup and salad (to include Knoephla Soup, a local favorite); 戴维·琼斯熟食店 provides a self-service sandwich bar complete with panini press; the 宝箱 offers a display of fine desserts; 七大洋 offers cuisine from around the world; the 主甲板 features the entrée of the day; the Buccaneer Breakfast Bar provides continental breakfast options all day long; the Jolly Roger Grill provides grilled fare like cheese汉堡 and brats, while the 板材 serves up pasta dishes and true wood-fired pizza. 的 过敏停住! station caters to particular dietary needs (intolerances, allergies, aversions, etc.),而 达科塔首页style station showcases cuisine particular to the German-Russian and Scandinavian heritage of North Dakota. 的 Crow’s Nest also features Susanne's, a full-service We Proudly Brew Caribou Coffee shop that is accessible at no extra cost to all guests with a university meal plan.